I was given the opportunity to review a new product published by the folks at Nourish MD. It is an introductory course in how to make the move to REAL food. It is called, aptly, REAL Food 101. You can read below what this learning module contains:
ONE: A Slide Show
We hold your hand and walk you through
ALL the details about REAL Food, Fake Food, and Bridging Food.
Plus, examples of ways we get more REAL food into our own kids! Yikes!
TWO: Video with Dr. Sue
She explains why REAL food matters for your child's health,
what inflammation can look like in your child, and how food likely plays a role.
ALL the details about REAL Food, Fake Food, and Bridging Food.
Plus, examples of ways we get more REAL food into our own kids! Yikes!
TWO: Video with Dr. Sue
She explains why REAL food matters for your child's health,
what inflammation can look like in your child, and how food likely plays a role.
THREE: Video with Angelle
She teaches you her secret on how to quickly figure out if a food is REAL or at least close to it,
and how to easily teach your child the same.
Plus, she tells you how she uses Bridging food to help her steer clear of Fake food!
FOUR: Audio
No time to watch us? Than downoad us onto your iPod
and learn while you exercise, clean or do whatever it is that you do
when you listen to your iPod!
FIVE: eBook
Filled with information and charts you can read, and reread
or print for your kitchen!
What I like about this is the multi media approach to the presentation of this material. The folks at Nourish MD have a great website where they give step by step instructions on how to convert your family to REAL food but this gives you the information in a variety of different ways (audio, video and print) so that you can really have it sink in. I did ask regarding captions for the video and they do have a transcript for the hearing impaired but the information is already available in printed forms in many places on their website. This is nice for those that either need or prefer to get their information in an audio format as well.
REAL Food 101 includes the first steps to convert your family. There is a follow up called...REAL Food 202. These courses are VERY affordable considering what you pay if you go to a local community class for this type of information. And you can watch it in the comfort of your home, at any time...even in your PJs! This is an excellent first step to move your family to a healthier level.
Nourish MD has a great Facebook group. And they often have specials on their various e-books and even on the REAL Food courses. You can also sign up for their newsletter on their main page.

I was given a copy of all the components of REAL Food 101 in exchange for my honest review.