Thursday, January 7, 2010

Menu Planning!!!

Last week I ran short on time... and energy. I didn't really plan or shop. I even pulled out some cookies from the freezer because, "we were having company." That caused the scale to become mean and ornery on me. So this week we plan. The MUFAs are in bold. I think the key to this diet is the planning and the eating..not so much the mufas. But the 400 calorie meals every 4 hours make it seem not so much like dieting.


Bob's Red Mill Steel cut Oats with cinnamon, maple syrup, nuts and rice milk made in Zojirushi rice maker. (It is ready when I wake up and lovely.)


Eggs fried in Olive Oil and toasted rice tortillas

Lunch choices:

Pizza: pesto, arugula, cheddar goat cheese using rice tortillas as crust. Bake for 10 min at 350F and top with fresh tomatoes.

Indonesian Vegetable Salad

Wrap Sandwich in rice tortilla with meat and avocado.


Hummus with Crackers and avocado


PB&J with fruit

Apple with almond butter and crackers


Roasted Chicken with green beans sauteed in EVOO

Pasta with peanut sauce. Add on Chicken for Mark.

Beef Roast with potatoes. Salad with greens, tomatoes and avocados

Bok Choy Skillet Dinner

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